FAQ | StartupEd

Frequently Asked Questions

Startuped is a marketplace network for founders & startup ecosystem players. We provide incubation platform as a cloud service via personalized entrepreneurship education and smart apps for joint venture development.

You need to fill up this form and reply to us with answers to the Business Plan Questionnaire without which we will not consider any entries.

Yes, you can submit your stories here. We reserve the right to publish them as we see fit.

Yes, we do workshops in relation to Entrepreneurship and Startups in schools and colleges. You can contact us at [email protected].

The business plan competition encourages students to develop their unique ideas for new products or services into a profitable business. Students learn how to write an effective business plan while competing for cash prizes. Is any type of business idea acceptable?

Any type of business idea is acceptable. However, one must create a business plan describing a business idea that is wholly original and based on independent thinking. If the idea includes or is based on scientific knowledge and developments that might be considered "intellectual property," one must certify and attest to the fact that the science or innovation is the result of their independent work; any monies that may result from the competition are to the benefit of the person. The certification of the ownership of the technology must be verifiable. Failure to do so will result in disqualification and/or forfeiture of any prize money won. Students will not be permitted to present ideas based on science and technology owned by third parties. The organizers of the competition may disqualify any person failing to comply with the spirit and intent of this rule and shall be held harmless due to such action.

You can add your team members to a project and start assigning each other tasks. There are various matrices through which you can keep a track of productivity and also use the virtual sketch board to explain the agenda of the project thoroughly and increase productivity.

All your productivity is tracked on the platform. You will be awarded a certificate once the project is completed as it embarks the completion of a milestone. You can claim your certificate and publish it on the network.

Having a sense of community unites us. Being a part of a community can make us feel as though we are a part of something greater than ourselves. It can give us opportunities to connect with people, to reach for our goals, and makes us feel safe and secure. It's important for every person to have a sense of community.